Portrait in snow


You can call me April, though I also respond to pamyl. 我的名字是羅方淳.

I am a Computational Biologist at Adaptive Biotechnologies in Seattle where I work with Adaptive’s academic and pharmaceutical partners to use our immunosequencing platforms to improve cancer care and disease outcomes.

Before my current position, I did my PhD in the Berger Lab at the Fred Hutch and UW Genome Sciences. For my doctoral research, I studied how cancer hijacks our cells’ systems for its own benefit, or in more technical terms, understanding oncogene-driven transcriptional regulation in lung cancer.

Along with comp bio, I am also passionate about science communication and education, especially for underrepresented groups in the sciences.


Ph.D. Genome Sciences, University of Washington
NSF IGERT in Big Data and Data Science Fellowship

B.S. Biomedical Engineering and Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Johns Hopkins University
Minor in Computer Science

A cartoon illustrated daisy waves hi

When I’m not doing research or writing I’m devoted to my dog Bowie and thoroughly enjoying exploring the Pacific Northwest through hiking and coffee. I also play music, knit, and stream games and cozy times on Twitch!

Some Fun Facts:
My birthday is April 1. Yes, really.
I was born and raised in Hong Kong and Massachusetts
I play the violin, am ok at guitar, and have a budding record collection

Land Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I am living and operating on the unceded ancestral land of the Duwamish people past and present. To the land and the Duwamish tribe, I honor and thank you.

Join me in paying rent and reparations at Real Rent Duwamish